The Seedling Blog

Q+A with Rodger Berman: Father and President of Rachel Zoe, Inc.

 Rodger Berman Rachel Zoe Family

photo credit: Monti Smith

Businessman Rodger Berman plays a lot of roles: President of Rachel Zoe, Inc., CEO of Zoe Media Group, husband, (to yes, you guessed it--Rachel Zoe), and father to two impossibly adorable sons. With a demanding career, and often-packed social calendar, Rodger shares how he navigates his busy schedule while fathering such a fashionable family.


What's the most fun part of being a father? The most challenging? 

It has been so fun watching the boys grow up - watching them form their own opinions, and share their thoughts and point of views on new things, everyday. They see the world from an entirely different perspective - which is such a source of entertainment. 

The most challenging I would say, is time management. You no longer have time for yourself so learning how to find balance is a learning curve. 


As a busy working dad how do you make time to be playful with your family? 

I make the time, and most importantly I try to be 100% present when I'm with the kids. I'm still working on the balance, but quality, undistracted time is so important.


What's something special that you like to do, just you and the boys? 

We love to go to the Beverly Hills Farmers market on Sunday and pick out flowers for mom.  


What has been the most surprising part of parenting? 

The most surprising part of parenting is how much your social routine changes. You're forming so many new relationships through the school, playdates, activities etc., you're suddenly part of all these new social circles and your weekend priorities completely shift. 


What do you hope your children will learn from you as they grow? 

I want them to grow up to be thoughtful, and respectful men. Respect for other people is the most important thing I can teach them.


Rodger Berman Rachel Zoe Family

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