The Seedling Blog

Out of the Box Lunches

With the first day of school drawing near, now's the time to up your school lunch game. To simplify the packing process and keep menu items exciting, we've pooled together our ideas for packing the ultimate school lunch. Your kids will be the envy of the lunch table with our tips for packing a creative, healthy meal. You might be a bit jealous, so why not consider them for your brown bag upgrade too.


Think Inside the Box

Forgo the usual brown paper sack and start packing lunches in reusable bento boxes, available in an array of shapes, sizes and colors. Doling out portions into compartments may actually help you make more creative choices when it comes to the everyday lunch. It's so satisfying to snap the lid closed on a thoughtfully arranged lunch spread for your little ones. Thrive Market has an amazing array of lunch boxes, food containers, water bottles, and backpacks, not to mention all the ingredients you need to make healthy lunches for your back-to-schoolers. 

Food for Thought

With PB&J so engrained in our brains, it may take a little extra craftiness to come up with an exciting lunch menu. Be sure to include food that will maximize their energy and endurance for a long day of learning. Pack protein-rich items like eggs and tuna to keep their brains fueled. Add lots of color by packing fresh fruits and veggies, and be sure to avoid sweet treats and drinks that can lead to sugar crashes. 

Skip the sandwich and test your culinary creativity by making a flatbread pizza topped with veggies and shredded lettuce for an added crunch. Roll up ham and cheese in a tortilla and slice into "sushi" rolls. Make a pasta salad with pesto and diced chicken. Apples with yogurt, carrots and hummus, and celery with peanut butter all make for tasty snacks. 

For something sweet to sip on, infuse water with lemon, mint, or berries to quench their thirsts while avoiding the unwanted sugar crash. Make Weelicious's fruit leather for a healthier and homemade dessert. Maybe even throw some kale into the fruit puree. (We won't tell.)

Make It Special

A note from mom or dad on the napkin in our lunch bags always made us feel extra loved. To let your kids know you're thinking of them while they're away at school, slip a little something special inside their lunch box. Write a joke for them to tell their friends. Pop a funny comic clipped from the morning paper inside. Insert a trivia question and ask them their answer when they return home. Or, leave a simple "I love you" note. A little love goes a long way. 


What do you do to make your kids' lunches special? Share your tips and tricks with us in the comments below. 

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